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Vision & Mission

As a group of UAS we set up an organization for textile and clothing research to support/strengthen/safeguard our position in Europe. Together we cover a broad, complete, and up to date technology infrastructure. We practically have every processing unit required for textile and clothingresearch and production on lab/pilot plant scale. Diversity proved to be our strong point. Obviously, we foresee close cooperation with Textranet.

In addition, also SME-associations will be contacted to participate. They are considered as important partners and a go-between for the dissemination of project results to the industry. Together we will be able to contribute to the impact of the textile and clothing industry in our society.



  • Being represented at relevant decision making forums was agreed by the group. Influencing strategic decision making is a part of this issue.

  • Building a strategic network, but at least as important as that, building a know how network was considered to be an important aspect of our position in Europe’s textile and clothing R&D network.

  • Formation of a network for the exchange of project opportunities will be the consequence of our actions.

  • Student and/or scientists exchange. For this we are going to investigate the possibilities of Erasmus and Marie Curie actions.

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