About us
As acknowledged by the General Assembly of Textile ETP by accepting NETFAS unanimously as a full member, the Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Europe represent a vitally important group of institutes that educate people for key positions in the textile industry and perform applied scientific research. They represent a large part of the total textile research investments. Customers and partners in this respect are universities (fundamental knowledge), research centres (applied research and development) and the industry that benefits directly through bilateral dissemination or membership of focused research consortia and projects. These applied research institutes are also partners in the research programs. The aim is to empower the textile and fashion industries to transform into a circular, bio-based and digitized industry by valorizing knowledge and know-how and connecting design and technology to obtain the best possible result.
Funding of research programs is of utmost importance, particularly since many of the industrial customers are SMEs and cannot individually dedicate the huge investments required for research.
In the foreseeable future funding of R&D will not only be organized through EU systems, like the Horizon Europe programme, as with the Strategic Programmes the ETP owns a funding option itself which will allow easier access to “seed funding” initiatives fitting the ETP Strategic Agenda.
As a member of the Textile ETP board, NETFAS together with Textranet, EU_TEXTILE2030 and Euratex will play a dominant role in determining future strategies and policy for textile research, including possible funding regimes.