HOGENT University of Applied Sciences & Arts (hereinafter HOGENT) has more than 14.000 students and ca. 2.000 staff members, including over 200 researchers. HOGENT aims for excellence in education, research, services to society and artistic practice. HOGENT wants to be a broad gateway to higher education and creates the preconditions for students to study successfully. Central to all its study programmes are future-proof skills such as critical and ethical thinking, flexibility and creativity, an investigative and entrepreneurial attitude, social and communicative skills, and problem-solving ability. Education at HOGENT is tailored to each student. HOGENTs programmes are designed in close interaction with the world of work and are characterized by a practical and professional orientation. Teaching has a strong focus on interdisciplinarity, teamwork, and societal relevance.
HOGENTs FTILab is acknowledged by the EU as a KETs Centre (Key Enabling Technologies).
Clothing comfort: impact of material, garment fit and design on comfort of sportswear and protective clothing
Sustainable materials: use of EU-origin natural materials (hemp) and improving their processing and application aspects, composites from alternative resources, e.g. waste, by-products, application of biotechnology for fabric finishing, plasma treatment, design for recycling
Smart materials: (multi) functional coated fabrics, conductive fabrics, textile sensors
Digitization: Digitized product development, manufacturing (digital printing, 3D body scanning, ..) and value chains, mass customization
Scaling up cultivation and processing of hemp for textile applications in the biobased economy
Fibre hemp for textile applications
Street Address
Buchtenstraat 11
9051 Gent
Postal Mail Address
Buchtenstraat 11
9051 Gent
Contact Person
Alexandra De Raeve
Head of Fashion, Textile and Wood Technology Department
+32 478 97 01 67